Sunday, March 02, 2008

Callan does a wall flip

Callan gave up karate a while ago, and has taken up gymnastics. He taught himself how to somersault and backflip on the trampoline. He has been watching freerunning videos and wanted to learn to do a wall flip.
I told him I was sure he could do it, since he could already backflip on the trampoline.
A mattress on the lawn and me spotting for him and he was away. He should be doing it unaided soon, and then without the mattress. We've made him solomnly swear not to try it without me. I don't need a paraplegic son.
Here's a clip of today's first efforts.
Ignore the uncut lawn



At 9:38 pm, Blogger jamon said...

Very impressive stuff - he's quite the athlete.

The lawn was an utter disgrace mind you. You should be ashamed of yourself.

At 1:25 pm, Blogger Georgina said...

Looks like great fun, but I think I'll stick to "step." I think my husband would do his back in if he tried to help me do a wall flip.

At 7:02 pm, Blogger aims said...

Have you been a spotter before? You look so professional about it...however - who's cleaning that sheet once the fun is over with?

At 10:04 pm, Blogger travelling, but not in love said...

hey Stew...

This is so cool. Wish I could do that!

The funniest thing is your daughter (I presume...) on the pillar behind the two of you - she's quite entertaining!

At 10:31 pm, Blogger Stew said...

Jamon - the lawn and all the other garden tasks silently taunt me in my dreams. They weigh heavy on my mind. However it is easier to be troubled by them than actually do them!
TBNIL - Briony is an angel, and I've been making a fuss of her to compensate for the attention her brother has been getting.
aims - I was really worried about the spotting and was scared I'd drop him. But I acted mr casual to keep him focused on the flip and not me. You can see me shaking my hand as I hurt my finger supporting him. It's still hurting today.

ps TBNIL I'm still giggling over your turn of phrase at the end of the tale of the fat american accusing you of snoring "skipped away" I can just picture it. My wife loves your blog. but she's a lurker, not a commenter.

At 6:09 pm, Blogger aims said...

I did notice you shaking your hand - and figured it hurt!

And TBNIL skipping - yup - I can see that too!!

At 11:18 pm, Blogger Breezy said...

He's doing really well. Oh to be so fearless

At 11:36 pm, Blogger travelling, but not in love said...


nudge, nudge. wink, wink.

At 3:09 am, Blogger travelling, but not in love said...

Hey Stew, you ok? I'm missing you - both here and chez moi...

Hope all is well.



At 11:11 am, Blogger Michael Bains said...

Freakin' Brilliant! Kid's got mad skillz, as it were.

Love the soundtrack too, eh.

At 10:37 pm, Blogger dND said...

Hi Stew,

Hope all is well as you've not blogged for a while and I miss your take on life in France.


At 7:28 pm, Blogger Swearing Mother said...

Ta-da!! And a drum roll, of course.

At 11:34 pm, Blogger travelling, but not in love said...

Where are you man? We missing you.

At 3:36 pm, Blogger Georgina said...

Hi Stew,
I hope all is OK, you haven't posted for ages. Debs

At 12:42 am, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Well .. If he's done karate and is now doing backflips ... he needs to be doing CAPOEIRA!

He'll never look back ..



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