Friday, February 08, 2008

Friday's Favorite French Things

This issue of Friday's Favorite French Things is something very simple: the end of town/end of village road signs.
It's all well and good to have a sign alerting you to the name of a town or village when you enter it, but when the village is very small, you may not have noticed the sign as you drive in.
Then you find the village is very pretty and you say "Hey, nice place, where are we again?"
Well in France they tell you as you leave.
A nice little touch and one I appreciate.
Here is the sign you see when leaving the village of Y in the Somme department. Y is the shortest named commune.
You are leaving Y
For the sake of pointless symmetry there are 3 communes that have the longest names - 38 letters each:



At 12:00 am, Blogger Ian said...

Sadly, while I have definitely driven on the D15 through that part of France, I don't recall ever seeing that rather brief town.

I do recall driving into (and out of) Condom several times. And chortling every each and every time.

Sometimes I am terribly ashamed of myself.

At 9:20 pm, Blogger Breezy said...

Yes but how do you say it?

At 8:45 pm, Blogger travelling, but not in love said...

I loved those SNCF adverts last year .... they used traditional french village signs to advertise flights ot far off places - so for example, there was:

St Gapour - Singapore
Losse-en-Gellaisse - Los Angeles
Quancoune - Cancun

...and many more. Fabulous, and combined with great photography.

I used to have to work occasionaly in the town of Eu. Pronounced like a porno grunt.

Y is pronounced like the ee in ee bar gum....

At 10:40 am, Blogger Debra in France said...

Hi Stew, I have left 2 awards for you over at my place. Call by to pick them up.

At 9:30 am, Blogger Breezy said...

Thanks TBNIL for the French to Yorkhire translation


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