Sylvia Browne is gifted
At lying.
Rob Lancaster's Stop Sylvia Browne website is now full of excellent details. Especially interesting are the transcripts of Montel shows where you can see how spectacularly wrong she is.
What is it with this woman? Does she really think she helps people? Does she really think she communicates with "the other side"?
She is either deluded, or, dishonest, or genuine.
Look at the links on Rob's site and decide for yourself if a psychic should have such amazing misses.
She is either deluded, or, dishonest, or genuine.
Not familiar with her...but that sort of covers it all, doesn't it?
I have much enjoyed the opportunity to converse with you on my blog- although I have the feeling we are sort of playing with one another...not really biting into the juicy bits of our adversarial stances.
Anyway, thanks for your time... I think you are quite interesting... and appreciate the linguistic tips on how to manage French. Your little orange peel man is sort of artistic :)
PS I don't put much into the prognostications of psychics.... having delved into the occult at one time myself.
The trouble with predictions is the unpredictability of people themselves, I think. Many things depend upon a trend staying in place, and are dependent upon certain circumstances. That is true even in the spiritual and much more so in the physical.
Cheers! Blog on....
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