Saturday, May 13, 2006

Street Party! The bypass has arrived

The nearest big town to us is Chassenieul (3 sets of traffic lights, 4 banks, 3 butchers, etc) I had to go there this morning to get some chicken wire for the pigeon loft.
Today is their annual FĂȘte de la DĂ©viation. 3 years ago the town's 4-lane bypass was completed. Before the bypass all the heavy goods vehicles coming from Spain and Portugal on their way north used to go through the main street. With the 3 sets of traffic lights, it was chaos, both for the townsfolk and the drivers.
They were so pleased with their bypass that when it was completed they held a street party.
They were so pleased with their street party they decided tio do it again the following year. And so traditions get born.

When ever Greenies and enviroMENTALists get their panties in a bunch over road building they shoul bear in mind the impact that things like bypasses have on people. The people of Chasseneuil celebrate a 4 lane motorway every year.


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