Monday, April 17, 2006

Executions, Torture, Recriminations (III)


A while ago when I was searching the internet for information on the village I found this:
In the schoolyard of the Cherves school there is a playground. On the playground's exterior wall, along the road which leads from Cherves to Chasseneuil, there can still be clearly seen, more than forty years after the events, bullet marks: it was here that the three German soldiers were executed. Upon being informed of this execution, André Chabanne flew into a rage. He remembered, he said, that, taken prisoner by the Germans in 1940, he had escaped and been recaptured; his life was spared.

Nevertheless, ten years after the execution of the three Germans, André Chabanne had left their cadavers to lie in a nearby pond, "chez Veyret." Neither the owners of the pond, nor the mayor of Cherves, nor the gendarmes dared intervene in order that they be given a burial.

I went straight away to the school and sure enough, as you can see in the photo - bullet holes. I asked some of the old boys at the bar and they just kind of shrugged and said yep, it happened.
The url for the quote is and whil this part of the history seems to be true, bear in mind that the Institute of Historical review is a revisionist history organisation and are holocaust deniers. A search on the author Robert Faurisson shows that he is a controversial French revisionist, removed from his University chair in 1991.
In the same document he tells of the local priest Father Albert Heymès who was from Lorraine and was tortured and killed at the same time. Although I'v found supporting evidence of the priest's death I have yet to find the priest's grave in the cemetry (only 400 metres from our house) wherin Faurisson claims His body was buried in the cemetery of Cherves-Chatelars. His name is graven in the stone: "Father Albert Heymés [sic] / 1901-1944." The bishopric of Metz did not desire exhumation and transfer of the body to Lorraine. The grave is totally neglected.


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